Warning about E-15 fuel for cars issued by AAA and reported on by Fox Business

Hi Gang:

I just received the link attached below, to a very important story that ran on Fox News Business on November 30, 2012.
(Vehicles that are run on E-15- a gasoline/ethanol blend fuel in which 15% of the fuel is ethanol and 85% is gasoline will have their warrantees voided if the car was produced prior to 2012 and is not a “flex fuel” vehicle.)

This was forwarded to me by one of the folks who is on my distribution list for my e-mails.
Please take the time to watch the video to learn how to protect your car and your wallet from serious damage!

recommend that you pass this along to as many folks as you can and ask them to do the same!

I wish you all a very Happy, Healthy, Safe & Successful New Year!
-michael cutler-

Please check out my website:



Also please check out my website at AND Magazine:

AAA warns  NOT to use E15 gas.  It damages your engine and voids

your warranty if you use it. if you have a car older than 2012 




Wait for the video to load on the top of the page. Might take a minute, or so.




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