Nothing less than the security of our nation and safety of our citizens hang in the balance!
A country without secure borders can no more stand than can a house without walls!
our country is to survive and if our children and their children are to get their share of the “American Dream” the citizens of this nation must take their citizenship seriously!
We the People must be the best citizens we can be, citizens who are worthy of the gallantry demonstrated by our valiant men and women in the military, law enforcement and firefighters, who routinely go in harm’s way in defense of this nation and our citizens.
My goal in writing this and other commentaries is to point out our nations many failings before more victims pay the ultimate price for the incompetence and ineptitude of our government.
The first step in problem-solving is to first identify the problems and vulnerabilities and then devise strategies to overcome them.
If you find yourself to be in agreement with this commentary, I ask that you forward it to as many of your friends and family members as possible and encourage them to do the same. We need to create a “Bucket Brigade of Truth!”
The practice of good citizenship does not end in the voting booth, it only begins there.
The large scale apathy demonstrated by citizens of this nation has emboldened elected representatives to all but ignore the needs of the average American citizen in a quest for massive campaign funds and the promises of votes to be ostensibly delivered by special interest groups. There is much that we cannot do but there is one thing that We the People absolutely must do- we must stop sitting on the sidelines!
The collective failure of We the People to get involved in make our concerns known to our politicians have nearly made the concerns of the great majority of the citizens of this nation all but irrelevant to the politicians.
I believe our nation’s is greatly benefited by the rich diversity of our people which is why I could never imagine living anywhere except New York City, arguably the most diverse city in our nation if not, in fact, the world. However, my idea of diversity most certainly does not include members of MS-13, the Mexican drug cartels or members of other transnational gangs or members of al-Qaeda!
If this situation concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation!
All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!
We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.
This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!
You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!
Democracy is not a spectator sport!
Lead, follow or get out of the way!
-michael cutler-
Please check out my website:
The large scale apathy demonstrated by citizens of this nation has emboldened elected representatives to all but ignore the needs of the average American citizen in a quest for massive campaign funds and the promises of votes to be ostensibly delivered by special interest groups. There is much that we cannot do but there is one thing that We the People absolutely must do- we must stop sitting on the sidelines!
If this situation concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation!
All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!
We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.
This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!
You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!
Democracy is not a spectator sport!
Lead, follow or get out of the way!
Pajamas Media – –
2011 @ 11:29 pm In Crime,Homeland Security,Immigration,US News
| 262
checkpoints will no longer, as a matter of department policy, impound
cars driven by unlicensed drivers. That is unless
[1] the unlicensed driver is a United States citizen or
lawful resident, in which case he can say adios to his car
for 30 days, as authorized by California law.
minute . . . .” Yes, you read it correctly: Two drivers are
stopped at a sobriety checkpoint in Los Angeles and both are found to
be sober, but lacking a driver’s license. The first, a U.S.
citizen, receives a citation and stands by and watches as his car is
towed away to the impound yard, where it will remain for a month so
as to impress upon him that driving is a privilege, not a right, and
that the people of the state of California extend that privilege only
to those who have demonstrated some minimal level of proficiency as
signified by possession of a driver’s license.
just say Mexico, is also issued a citation, but he is given a
“reasonable period of time” to give custody of his car to a
licensed driver, who will presumably drive it to the unlicensed
driver’s home — or just around the corner and out of the cops’
view — where the unlicensed driver will be free to jump back behind
the wheel and ply the roadways until he has the misfortune of running
into another one of those bothersome sobriety checkpoints, where the
process can begin anew. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Beck, who called it a question of “fairness.” “I’m tired of
casting the net so wide,” Beck told reporters. “This is the right
thing to do. There is a fairness issue here … and we’re trying to
balance the needs of all segments of our community and keep the roads
including those that rightfully ought to be segments of some other
community in some other country.
Angeles Times story [2] that ran on
March 12:
The new rules, Beck said, were an attempt to mitigate
somewhat “the current reality, which is that for a vast number of
people, who are a valuable asset to our community and who have very
limited resources, their ability to live and work in L.A. is severely
limited by their immigration status.”
live and work in Los Angeles is too “severely limited,” so he now
enlists his officers in the cause of easing those limitations. Thus
illegal immigrants in Los Angeles have achieved through Chief Beck’s
sense of “fairness” what they could not through legislation.
Almost six years ago I reported, over at National
Review Online [3], on the efforts by
then-California State Senator Gil Cedillo to grant driver’s
licenses to illegal immigrants and to exempt them — and only them —
from the provisions of the California Vehicle Code that authorize
police officers to impound cars driven by unlicensed drivers. Cedillo
failed to see his signature legislation enacted, but he must be
pleased to see one of his goals realized through Beck’s policy
decision. (Cedillo was term-limited out of the state senate last year
but, displaying the tenacity unique to Democrat politicians,
continues to pursue his immigrant-friendly
agenda [4] from a seat in the state assembly.)
illegal immigrants being a “vast number of people” in Los
Angeles. I once attended a meeting at which Beck was asked why he had
spoken out against [5] Arizona’s then-pending S.B. 1070.
“I was asked to,” he said. And he went on to say that if a
similar law were to pass in California (as unlikely a contingency as
can be imagined), LAPD officers “would be doing nothing else” but
dealing with immigration issues. And why would this be so?
“Because,” he said,” there are 600,000 illegal immigrants
living in Los Angeles.” That would be 15 percent of the city’s 4
million residents.
strike me as an exaggeration. Indeed the Census Bureau reports
[6] that in a single zip code near downtown Los Angeles,
70 percent of the 21,000 residents are foreign born. And these are
the people, as we are constantly reminded, who are “living in the
shadows.” But from within those shadows, they and their enablers
are able to influence a policy decision by the chief of police in the
second largest city in America. Living in the shadows? More like
casting a very long one.
and let him go without impounding his car. I’m not about to turn a
carload of children out on the street when their parent seems to be
an otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrant. But there is a difference
between a cop on the beat cutting someone a break and the city’s
police chief coming out and saying that state law is too great an
imposition on illegal immigrants, then directing his officers to
ignore it.
Foundation for Traffic Safety [7] (.pdf), 20 percent
of fatal traffic accidents in the United States involve at least one
unlicensed driver, and accidents involving unlicensed drivers are
more than twice as likely to cause a fatality. It is only a
matter of time before some beneficiary of Chief Beck’s new policy
kills someone with a car that could have been impounded. I’ll
be curious to hear his thoughts on “fairness” then.