Today is Tuesday and, as you may know I am, on Tuesdays mornings, a guest on the Helen Glover Show which is broadcast from Providence, Rhode Island on Radio Station WHJJ. I will be on Helen’s show from 8:00 AM until 8:30 AM Eastern Daylight Savings Time. She has a wonderful show and it is always a joy to be on her program! This is a terrific way to start the day!
Here is the link to Helen’s excellent program:
I hope you will be listening!
-michael cutler-
Please check out my website:
Additionally- this summer, on Friday afternoons from 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time, I will be filling in for Tom Garcia as the host on The USA Talk Radio Network’s excellent radio show, “The American Hour.”
I hope you will be joining my cohost, Paula Lauzon Ostman and me, on Fridays this summer!
Here is the link for this program: