"Up to 1.4 million Unauthorized Immigrants Could Benefit from New Deportation Policy"

Hi Gang:

Earlier today Fox News Latino posted my Op-Ed piece concerning the statement made by President Obama this past Friday, June 15, 2012 about providing employment authorization to illegal aliens he disingenuously referred to as being “young” claiming that some 800,000 such “talented, driven and patriotic young people” (his words- not mine) could ultimately benefit from this wrong-headed initiative that would provide them with employment authorization.

Here is the link to my Op-Ed as it appeared on the Fox News Latino website:


I noted that what the President referred to as a matter of “Prosecutorial Discretion” should be more accurately referred to as being “Prosecutorial Deception.”

In my commentary I pointed out the more glaring false or misleading statements including the fact that because illegal aliens who had not yet celebrated their 30th birthday could participate it was clear that this was not about “young people” as the President claimed.  I also noted that the vast majority of illegal aliens who are present in the United States are under the age of 35, therefore I predicted that many more than 800,000 illegal aliens would likely seek to benefit from this program that, in my view, constitutes an illegal end-run around the Constitution and the system of “Checks and Balances.”

I was just sent an article that was posted by the Pew Hispanic Center on Friday, June 15th in which it was estimated that some 1.4 million illegal aliens (unauthorized immigrants) in the jargon favored by that organization) would likely be eligible to participate in the program!   A copy of that article by the Pew Research Center is attached below.

Give this some thought- the first application has yet to be received- let alone processed and already the estimates as to the magnitude of this program that is being foisted on this country by the administration and already estimates of the actual number of anticipated beneficiaries of this program have nearly doubled!  I am convinced that the potential exists for this program to ultimately provide several million illegal aliens with employment authorization- possibly under assumed identities that would, as my Op-Ed notes, create a true national security nightmare for the United States as well as undermine the economic future of huge numbers of struggling American workers and their families!  Consider the fact that these are illegal aliens who will be given employment authorization even thought under the auspices of existing immigration law, nothing has happened to justify their being granted official authority to work.  Furthermore, once granted employment authorization, they would be able to immediately apply for and receive Social Security Cards, Driver’s licenses and compete on an equal standing with United States citizens and lawful immigrants!  

Meanwhile American workers of every race, religion and ethnicity are losing their homes to foreclosure and more Americans than ever before are living below the poverty level!

If the President’s outrageous initiative to provide millions of illegal aliens with employment authorization and if our government’scontinuing failures to truly secure our nation’s borders and effectively enforce our immigration laws concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative” and let them know about your concerns in no uncertain terms!  This is not only your right- it is your obligation! 

All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!

We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.

This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!

You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!

Democracy is not a spectator sport!

Lead, follow or get out of the way!

-michael cutler- 

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Released: June 15, 2012

Up to 1.4 million Unauthorized Immigrants Could
Benefit from New Deportation Policy

Up to 1.4 million children and young adults who are in the
United States illegally could potentially benefit from today’s
announcement by the Obama Administration about changes in deportation
policies, according to an estimate from the Pew
Hispanic Center
, a project of the Pew Research Center.

The 1.4 million estimate includes 700,000 unauthorized immigrants
who are ages 18 to 30 but arrived in the U.S as children and are
currently enrolled in school or have graduated from high school; and
an additional 700,000 who are under the age of 18 and are enrolled in
school. This includes 150,000 who are currently enrolled in high

Overall, the 1.4 million estimate represents about 12% of the 11.2
million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. as of 2010, according to
an estimate by the Pew Hispanic Center. Among the 1.4 million
potential beneficiaries of the new policy, some 70% are from Mexico.
For details on the numbers and characteristics of unauthorized
immigrants in the U.S, see the Pew Hispanic Center report
Immigrant Population: National and State Trends, 2010

A Pew Hispanic Center survey
taken late last year found that by a margin of 59% to 27%, Latinos
oppose the deportation policies of the Obama Administration. Among
Latinos, some 41% are aware that the number of deportations of
unauthorized immigrants annually has been higher during the Obama
Administration than during the George W. Bush Administration, while
36% say the two Administrations have deported the same number of
unauthorized immigrants, and 10% say fewer have been deported under
the Obama administration.

unauthorized immigrants were deported annually during the
first two years of the Obama Administration—about 30% more than the
annual average during the second term of the Bush Administration.
Among those deported in 2010, nearly
all (97%) were Hispanic
. By comparison, among all unauthorized
immigrants, 81%
are Hispanic

According to the same 2011 Pew
Hispanic Center survey
, 91% of Latinos support the DREAM Act, a
proposal that would grant legal status to unauthorized immigrant
children if they attend college or serve in the U.S. military for two
years. And 84% of Latinos favor granting in-state tuition at public
colleges to unauthorized immigrants who graduated from high school in
their states.

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